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UNOBTAINABLE toilet seats…found! Faster (Hidra), Novella (Dolomite)

UNOBTAINABLE toilet seats…found! Faster (Hidra), Novella (Dolomite)

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Although there are only a few pieces available, we are happy to please customers who have been looking for them for a long time and until now had to make do with alternative models.

FASTER series Hidra Ceramiche

Serie FASTER Hidra ceramicheHidra Ceramiche has always been able to impress with its cutting-edge ceramic series. Throughout its long history, which we discovered in the post: “Hidra Ceramiche and its history of style” has often succeeded in making a name for itself in the bathroom market with innovative and often revolutionary series. Always strong on rounded shapes, even when its designers try their hand at rectangular shapes they are able to make ceramics stand out.

This is the case of: FASTER

Available in a floor-standing version and a wall-hung version, it is a rectangular sanitary ware with a modern, linear style. You can easily find its thermoset toilet seat in the Sintesibagno store at the following LINK (Clik HERE)

NOVELLA series Dolomite (today Ideal Standard)

Ceramica Dolomite is one of the leading companies in the sector, capable at the turn of the ’80s and ’90s of conquering incredible slices of the market. Able to make the number one of the period tremble: Ideal Standard, which at a certain point decided to buy it and make it a company of the multinational group. We highlight some series that have written the history of bathroom furniture: CLODIA, ALPINA, ZAGARA … see them all, we suggest you read the post: “Dolomite sanitary ware from the ’90s. Small formal revolutions that conquered the market.

Initially presented as a cheaper version of Dahlia, it was an unexpected success with the public. It had all the features that so many sanitary wares would later have. Clean, soft and elegant geometric shapes. Small dimensions for the ‘largest’ series: NOVELLA, very small dimensions for NOVELLA MINI, which became the series suitable for the exploitation of small, hard-to-use spaces. The Novella series was presented in both floor-standing and wall-hung versions, while Novella mini only in the floor-standing version. The WC covers for the two versions are the same and are available in several material variants, including the original variant at the following link [ clik here ]. You will also find the new SLIM versions with soft-close hinges. If you are looking for a toilet seat cover for the Novella Mini version, the link is as follows (clik here)

Serie NOVELLA Dolomite (oggi Ideal Standard)

If you too are looking for toilet seat covers for sanitary ware that you are told is no longer available and you do not remember the model, we would like to point out that the Sintesibagno team can help you find the correct toilet seat cover simply, quickly and safely. How? Through the recognition service we have created to take the hassle out of choosing. Simply send us an email to or a WhatsApp message to 3341288978 with two pictures of your sanitary ware and a few measurements and we will be able to help you choose. Here is the video on how to go about finding a toilet seat cover:

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