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Replacing a large toilet seat

Replacing a large toilet seat 🚽

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The measurements of toilet seat covers, different models and manufacturers of sanitary ware, are quite similar for all contained within a standard range such as, for length/depth 45 cm, for width 36 cm.
Sometimes, however – cases are rare in fact – especially for length/depth we find models that exceed these ‘standard’ measurements! We can come across seats that are 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54 cm long!
If you have to replace your toilet seat and, when searching for the replacement part, do not know the make and/or model of the toilet seat, you have to rely solely on the size – in this case “large size” – then this can be a problem! The fastest way to do this – without wasting time in fruitless web searches with the keyword “large toilet seat cover” – is to use Sintesibagno’s toilet seat model identification/recognition service! Quite simply send us 2 images of the toilet, side view and front view, via WhatsApp or e-mail and, within a few hours, you will receive (if we understand the model – and we almost always do!) a free consultation with a direct link to the product sheet for purchase in our store! The procedure is explained step by step at the following link:


Large toilet seats

Some examples of “large toilet seats”

As we pointed out earlier, a toilet seat can be defined as “large” if it is more than 45 cm deep and/or 38/40 cm wide. In reality, there are not many specific cases, let us look at some of them.

ITALICA di POZZI GINORI rientra sicuramente nella categoria dei “COPRIWATER GRANDI DIMENSIONI” suoi 50 cm di profondita!
ITALICA by POZZI GINORI definitely falls into the category of “LARGE SIZE WC SEATS” its 50 cm depth!
Per la casa ceramica HATRIA il modello di “grandi dimensioni” è il GRAN SASSO!
For the ceramic house HATRIA, the ‘big size‘ model is GRAN SASSO!
Il modello LAGO della DOLOMITE può essere senz’altro considerato un sedile di grandi dimensioni
DOLOMITE’s LAGO model can certainly be considered a large seat
Si chiude con una larghezza minima sul frontale ma anche SYNUA di AXA ha dimensioni ragguardevoli!
It closes with a minimal width at the front, but AXA’s SYNUA is also quite large!
CATALANO modello ROMANTICA può essere considerato per eccellenza come “copriwater di grandi dimensioni”, oltre ai 51 cm di lunghezza anche quasi 40 di larghezza!
CATALANO model ROMANTICA can be considered par excellence as a “large toilet seat cover“, in addition to 51 cm in length also almost 40 cm in width!
QT70 sempre di DOLOMITE anch’esso è di notevoli dimensioni, 51/52 x 39
QT70 also by DOLOMITE is also of considerable size, 51/52 x 39 cm
AMICA modello di CERAMICHE GLOBO si fa notare soprattutto in larghezza!
AMICA model by CERAMICHE GLOBO stands out above all in width!

Looking for a large seat!

So if you are looking for a large toilet seat cover for your toilet bowl the model could be one of those we have just given you as examples! The best thing, however, is not to rely on chance or rough assessments but to use the Sintesibagno recognition service!



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